
Russian Dolls Pastel


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6 Grimm's Russian Dolls in soft pastel colours.

These wooden Russian dolls are all the same size and children will enjoy taking them apart, mixing and matching the coloured bodies. Fill them up with rice, sand or stones in different volumes and give them a tap to hear the difference, line up as skittles, use as characters in play scenes and story sacks, and enjoy in a dolls' house.

Smooth, tactile and beautiful, these dolls will be popular with Montessori fans and Waldorf Steiner educators as they can be used in a wide variety of ways at home, at nursery and in the classroom. 

Recommendation age: 2+

Made with maple wood, non-toxic water-based colour stain. Size: 6 parts, H 90 mm, Ø 44 mm

Grimm's Spiel and Holz Design is a small family-owned company based in southern Germany that has been developing, manufacturing and selling wooden toys since 1978. Grimm's toys have characteristic bright colours and are produced with natural oils and stained with water-based colours to produce beautiful unique pieces that children and adults both adore. 

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